
Hi!  I'm K, a 27ish year-old software developer.  I've been married to my amazing wife, Mrs. K, since 2009.  We don't have any little ones yet.  I know what you may be thinking, I said yet, but there aren't any buns in any ovens.  Probably shouldn't have said ovens there, I mean there should only be one oven…

So why is someone who spends 9 hours a day in front of a computer opting to tack on another 2 or 3?  Because the computers speak to me…  There isn't a whole lot to it.  I enjoy talking/reading/hearing about things.  Pretty simple, right?  What kind of things you ask, well I like knowing about things that can add value to my life and make things better, easier and more fun.  Hence, the blog name, Get Worth.  One of the bigger parts of making life easier for me is knowing about things that can help me worry less about money.  Things that can make me money, things that I can enjoy without spending money, or things that offer so much value that I'm willing to part with some of my money.  Also, I think there is a lot of useful financial information out there that can make a big impact with only minor changes. 

Notice I said I'm a software developer.  I have no formal financial education, outside of a couple college courses.  That being said, I do have an obsession with personal finance.  My latest craze is swing-trading... stocks, you sicko.  Even though I do not have a degree in finance, I have read a lot of books, magazines, websites, etc. about it.  So unless they were all lying to me, I should at least know a little bit, should.

I encourage comments, questions, answers, emails, etc.  I think these things will help make the blog better and more useful for everyone.  If you have any specific questions, financial or otherwise, feel free to email me.


  1. Hi K-do you take guest posting requests?

    1. Sure, send me an email with what you're thinking and we'll see what we can work out.
