Friday, August 17, 2012

We Month'd It!

Puppy PictureThis was Rylee. Still very much alive, just going by a different name.
Kind of like Puff Daddy.
Well, it's official, this blog has lasted longer than our first and only pet dog. What? Wait, that sounds kind of wrong. The dog is still alive. We just realized early on that we weren't ready for a pet and returned her to her previous owner. There, now that that's cleaned up, happy one month anniversary!

That's right, I'm wishing you a happy one month anniversary because, as I've said before, we're in this together. Without you I'm just a finance nerd that keeps a diary on the Internet. Which is kind of strange when you think about it. However, since you guys read this, that makes it a blog and, thankfully, socially acceptable.

I just thought I'd take this post to thank you for reading.

What was your favorite part of the first month of Get Worth?

I'll go first. A friend pointed out that hippie is very different than hippy. So after saying "Mrs. K's hippy transformation" I'm lucky to still have blogging privileges.


  1. Kind of like the AC one and also a fan of the recent "what's in your wallet". Interesting topic for discussion.

    1. I'm always interested in how other people handle money. Too bad it's such a taboo subject. I think we could all learn a lot from each other. At least that question was innocent enough to get some responses.

  2. I recently found your blog and find it to be rather informative. It makes me think about things that I am doing and should be doing in an entirely different light. Keep them coming and here's to 30 more months!

    1. Thanks, I'll start by focusing on 30 more days :D
